
If you would like to self-refer or refer a client for our services please select one of the options below

therapy services

Please note that our current wait time for support coordination is three months in both Melton and Ballarat.

plan management and/or support coordination

To book a tour at Golden Point or Pennyweight for group programs please email with your contact details and we will be in touch to discuss your needs.

If you would like to further discuss your needs or our current wait-list timeframes please call us on 1800 746 272.

ndis services available at pinarc

At Pinarc, we acknowledge the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is complex, and we are with you all the way, providing expert support and guidance, for your support journey.

Choice and control. That’s what the NDIS is all about. It’s also at the heart of everything we do at Pinarc, supporting customer, their families and carers across the Ballarat region, Melton, and neighbouring areas, with wraparound disability and therapy services for babies, kids, teens and adults. That’s why, our multidisciplinary, site and community-based teams are ideally placed to expand and evolve to help you get the most out of supports and services.

Our focus on customer experience and strong NDIS expertise, means each customer’s personalised support journey starts the moment they contact us.

At Pinarc, we walk alongside customers, their families, and carers, creating seamless support solutions and transitions based on goals and needs. Our professional teams of staff are focused on customer experience ensuring customers, families and carers are at the centre of every decision. Your wishes. Your goals. Your life. What’s more, it’s a commitment that begins from the moment contact is made.

Different from day one and with you all the way! Contact us on 1800 746 272 to start your support journey with Pinarc.

Pinarc Support Coordination Team 2022 Ballarat

support coordination

Assists with setting up an NDIS plan, allowing participants to choose the supports and service providers that best suit their needs.


ndis plan management

Provides support through claiming, paying service providers, keeping track of funds and managing financial reporting.


therapy – kids

Provides occupational therapy, speech pathology, physiotherapy and/or a key worker for children 0-7 to help develop skills needed to take part in daily activities and achieve the best possible outcomes throughout life.


therapy groups

We offer several group programs across the year. All groups focus on skill development for children through supported play and social interaction with others. Group numbers are kept small and run by experienced therapists.


therapy – teens

Key Workers, occupational therapy, speech pathology, physiotherapy and educational advisors for children and teenagers aged between 8 and 18.


therapy – adults

Key Workers, occupational therapy, speech pathology, physiotherapy and educational advisors for adults aged 18 years plus.


kindergarten support

Supporting access and participation of children with additional needs in kindergarten. Works closely with kindergarten staff to support children so they can be fully included.  Provides packages to support inclusion of children with severe and complex disability to take part in a funded kindergarten program.


parent support groups

Groups are open to parents or carers who care for a child or adult with disability to share experiences, learn from others, form friendships and gain information about specific disabilities and issues related to caring.


high support groups

Day activity with an emphasis on recreational activities, skill development, mobility, communication, daily living and social skills.


independent living skills

Programs include social skills, music, art, cooking, barista training, gardening, dance and movement. We also offer School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) and assistance with resume writing, literacy and numeracy skills.


social groups

Small group programs operating on weekends or after regular hours, built around the interests of customers.


holiday programs

Separate kids, teens and adults’ programs offering many fun social activities that are both community and centre based.  Social Support for Teens provides inclusion in the Holiday Program for young people without NDIS funding


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