Our team will partner with you to build your skills to help your baby thrive and develop.
Our professional team can support your baby in many ways:
- parent-baby relationships
- parent support
- sleep and settling
- movement milestones
- early communication development and understanding how your baby is communicating to you
- feeding – breast, bottle and solids
- play and learning
- sensory

We can provide your family with the evidence based, nurturing, key worker model for children with more than one area of developmental concern or for those with more complex support needs.
Alternatively we can offer individual therapy supports from our skilled team of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Educational advisors for infants with just one area of developmental concern.

intensive therapy program
Pinarc Disability Support Melton is offering a physiotherapy intensive block program for children aged 0-2 years old to support them develop their gross motor skills and assist children in working towards achieving their gross motor goals.
Our physiotherapist will work with you and your child on a variety of development areas including:
- Sitting balance
- Crawling
- Standing
- Walking and cruising
- Strength development
For more information click the link below: