educational advisor

Pinarc Educational Advisors (EA’s) are passionate and experienced educators who have worked in early year educational settings such as kindergartens and/or primary schools. Educational advisors have a deep understanding of the developmental learning needs of children of all abilities and specialise in play, learning, behaviour and overall child development.

Educational advisors use a holistic approach to therapy, working with the ‘whole’ child, integrating many of their goals to address the child’s overall skill development. During therapy, educational advisors coach and model strategies so that families can implement recommendations to use in the daily routines of family life.

educational advisors pride themselves on being able to:

  • Empower individuals to become more independent at home and/or educational and community settings
  • Support children to develop skills to enable them to reach their full potential
  • Build the capacity of parents/carers and other service providers to understand the learning needs of individuals


educational advisors can support children and their families across a range of developmental areas such as:

  • Early language and communication skills
  • Independence with self-care tasks such as, toileting, teeth brushing, mealtime routines, bathing/showering, sleep and dressing
  • Supporting transitions to kindergarten and school and liaising with educators to enhance inclusion
  • Supporting cognitive skill development
  • Facilitating play skills and engaging children in play with their peers
  • Emotional skills development; understanding emotions and emotional regulation
  • Positive behavior support, through understanding, unexpected and complex behaviours, meltdowns/tantrums; following directions and engaging in non-preferred activities
  • Fine and gross motor skills
Our Educational Advisors are really with you all the way.
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