local parent/carer groups & activities
- Melton Specialty Playgroup – Expressions of interest welcome
The Pinarc Parent Support Program, supported by the Victorian Government, is running a free playgroup for children aged birth to 4 years starting Thursday, 6 February 2025. This playgroup is on offer for children who have a physical disability or have physical development challenges that impact on their ability to engage with regular playgroup activities and will be supported by Georgia, one of our Speech Pathologists, and Louisa, one of our Occupational Therapists.
Register your interest here: https://form.jotform.com/242621451743048 - Ballarat Parent Carers Connect This group is open to all parent/guardian carers of children and young adults with disabilities. We meet for activities, information sessions and social coffees or meals. The next activity is a social coffee 30 am Wednesday 5th February at Common Ground Café, 306 Howitt Street, Ballarat North . All welcome.
- Ararat Carers Group this group is currently on hold, but looking for new members.
Contact rpaton@pinarc.org.au
- Ballarat Autism Early Years Connect is a parent-led group supported by the Pinarc Parent Support Program. This group is for parents/carers supporting young children (0 – 12 yrs) with autism.
Contact Rebecca on rpaton@pinarc.org.au or 0493 765 542 - Ballarat Autism Parent Connection meets for coffee at the Robin Hood Hotel (Urban Bar) for social connection and information sharing. The next meeting for the Ballarat Autism Parent Connection Group Monday 17th February at 10.30am. Group Flyer: https://www.pinarc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Autism-Parent-Group-2025.pdf
- Bacchus Marsh Disability Parent Connection meet for social dinners and information sessions monthly on Monday evenings during school terms. The next get together is planned for Monday 24th February. Contact rpaton@pinarc.org.au to register. Group Flyer: https://www.pinarc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Bacchus-Marsh-Group-2025.pdf
- Ballarat Down Syndrome Parent Connection group meets regularly for social connection and information sharing. Contact Wendy by email park@bigpond.com or Mob 0429109692 for more information.
- Daylesford Disability Parent Connection Group. The next meeting will be for a celebration lunch 30am Wednesday 26th February at Daylesford Bowling Club, 8 Camp Street, Daylesford.
RSVP essential to rpaton@pinarc.org.au to register your interest. Group Flyer: https://www.pinarc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Daylesford-Disability-Parent-Group-2025.pdf - SCODA – (Supporting Carers of Disabled Adults), is a Ballarat-based group who meet for lunch first Monday of each month. Contact Rose on 0459 216 992
- Would you like to start a new group? Our parent support coordinator can help. Please contact Rebecca Paton, on 0493765542 or at rpaton@pinarc.org.au.

carer events
Support for Carers FREE family BBQ and Fun Day
Carers and their families are invited to join us for a BBQ and activities at our lovely Golden Point site.
Enjoy sausages or vege-burgers and soft drinks or coffees with your family. Pinarc staff will run craft activities, a “Just Dance” space and indoor and outdoor games although carer supervision of children will be required. Registration is essential and we advise to book early so you don’t miss out. Please advise of any dietary requirements. The Pinarc Golden Point site is wheelchair accessible.
You do not need to be using other Pinarc Services to be eligible.
Date: Saturday 15th February
Times: 12pm – 3pm
Venue: Pinarc Golden Point, 120 English St
Cost: Free
Register: Call 1800 746 272
Registrations essential for staffing and catering purposes
Registrations close 12pm Wednesday 12th February or earlier if booked out.
Due to funding requirements, you will need to provide name, date of birth
and postcode for all attending
Circle of Wellbeing for Carers
For carers from multicultural and diverse communities
This 7 week program aims to provide carers from multicultural and diverse communities living within regional areas of Victoria who may be feeling isolated and detached from their community to improve quality of life, develop inclusive relationships, empower community, build on skills and confidence and identify ways to look after their health at home and how it all links to overall mental health and wellbeing for carers. Linkage to support services locally in health, legal, advocacy and more as well as the importance of self-care.
Ballarat Sessions: Ballarat South Community Hub, 11 Tuppen Drv Sebastopol
Thursdays 6th Feb – 20th March 10.30am – 12.30pm
Put in your expression of interest here:
For more information contacts Kerry on 0490 059 026 or kerry@adec.org.au

activities for children and young people with disabilities
Pinarc Lego Therapy Group
Our very popular Lego Group will be starting on Tuesday 11 February and will run for 8 weeks. Each weekly session goes for one hour between 4-5pm.
Led by Speech Pathologist Amelia and Occupational Therapist Natalie, this group allows participants to take on different building roles and work together to create a range of Lego creations, encouraging collaboration, problem-solving and communication.
The group is most suitable for children aged 8-12 years who would benefit from further language and emotional regulation support, and want to develop their confidence in group settings.
We will accept previous Lego- groupers.
Contact Amelia or Natalie on 1800 746 272 or via email on aeverard@pinarc.org.au or npawlus@pinarc.org.au to register.
More information is also available on our website https://www.pinarc.org.au/latest-news-and-updates/
Ballarat sensory chill/play space for young people/Adolescents with autism OR sensory issues
We need your support and ideas! Ballarat needs a specially dedicated playroom for adolescents and young adults with autism or similar who struggle to fit into mainstream play centres.
Do you struggle with mainstream play centres because of behavioural issues or just find them too over stimulating? Is a sensory space something you could use? Do you have ideas or suggestions?
We will not be asking parents to do any fundraising. A simple letter of support could help get this project off the ground. Please contact Helen on (m) 0425 732 878 or hhimwise@iinet.net.au if you would like further information.
AUSLAN Day at Sovereign Hill
22 Feb, 2025, 10:00am-5:00pm AEDT, AURA – 8:45pm
Immerse yourself in iconic Sovereign Hill experiences, interpreted in Auslan throughout the day.
Uncover the secrets of our famous Raspberry Drops, try your hand at candle-dipping, see the dramatic gold pour, and watch expert blacksmiths and coachbuilders craft their creations.
As night falls, the AURA sound and light spectacular transforms Sovereign Hill into a moving theatre, with hundreds of hi-tech projections telling the thrilling story of the gold rush.
Auslan-interpreted Quartz Mine tours also available. Prebook when you purchase your tickets
Friends and Me Activities (Suitable for aged 14+)
Sat 1st Feb Crown Casino Arcade
Sun 2nd Feb Beach Swim and Burgers
Sat 8th Feb Queen Vic Market
Sun 9th August BattleKarts Melbourne
Sat 15th Feb Skydeck
Sun 16th Feb Barrabool Maze and Lunch
Fri 21st – Sun 23rd Feb Beach Summer Camp
RACHEL 0428 586 241 (30+ years of experience in the education and disability fields)
Autism Camp Australia – whole family camps
These camps run full programs for children with autism, siblings and parents.
Coastal adventures at Camp Wyuna in Queenscliff, Bellarine Peninsula. Open to families in all States.
5th – 10th April 2025
12th – 17th April 2025
6th – 11th July 2025
13th – 18th July 2025
Groups of up to six people (max 2 adults)
Style of accommodation: Some single room with bunks, some adjoining twin with bunks depending on size of family, with ensuite. Fully catered. Beachside location.
For more information and bookings visit: https://www.autismcampaustralia.org/
People Outdoors Upcoming Camps
All-Abilities Choirs
Red Tree Community Arts is running a choir specifically designed for people who are neurodivergent or have mental health conditions. More information and updates can be found on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CrescendoChoirBallarat
More questions? Call 0435753800 or email info@redtreecommunityarts.com
All abilities Sports options:
Come ‘n Try archery!
The Ballarat Bulldogs Football Netball Club
Email ballarat@fida.org.au or simply turn up.
All Abilities Gymnastics – Ballarat Gymsports https://www.ballaratgymsports.com/classes/inclusion/
Special Olympics Ballarat
Aquatics, basketball, equestrian, golf, gymnastics, and tenpin bowling. https://www.specialolympics.com.au/ballarat
Ballarat Netball Association All Abilities Netball (16+)
Opportunities for the whole family to get active
Social Badminton: t https://www.ballaratbadminton.com/index.php/about/social-nights
Social Pickleball https://www.ballaratbadminton.com/index.php/pickleball or call 0353394601.
Bushwalking https://www.bboc.com.au/
Social Cycling https://www.cyclingballarat.com.au/group-rides.html
BMX: https://www.cyclingballarat.com.au/bmx.html
Tennis: https://play.tennis.com.au/mtprospecttennis
Disc Golf: https://www.ballarataquaticcentre.com/visit/disc-golf/
Walking Groups: https://walking.heartfoundation.org.au/
AAA Play Website
Sports Central promote inclusive sport and recreation programs within the Central Highlands region through the AAA Play website https://www.aaaplay.org.au/
information sessions, courses and webinars
Gellibrand Support Services Albert Street Community Space Open Day
Gellibrand Support Services we would like to invite you to our Albert Street Community Space Open Day at 131 Albert Road Sebastopol on 25th February, 2025. Gellibrand Support Services offers Social Groups with Customised Group Supports, Individual Supports, Support Coordination, SDA/SIL and STA/MTA.
Please feel free to contact the Ballarat Team on (03) 4333 0044 for further information.
School Issues: Where to go for help – ACD Webinar
Wed 26 Feb 7.30pm
School issues: where to go for help is a free 60-minute online webinar hosted by ACD for families of school-age children with disability or developmental delay in Victoria.
Issues at school can be very stressful for students with disability and their families. Speaking up can be challenging and emotional, but raising a concern can help address these issues and improve the situation for your child and others. This webinar will explain the types of help available, the options to take an issue further, where to go for assistance, and the approach to take.
Student Support Group Meetings Webinar
Join ACD for a FREE 90-minute online workshop, Student Support Group Meetings.
You’ll get practical information about Student Support Group (SSG) meetings: what they are, how you can prepare for them, and how to make the most of them to support your child at school.
Regular SSG meetings give you the chance to talk to your child’s school and assess what reasonable adjustments they need.
Other topics include: Children’s rights in education, Advocating for your child at school, Reasonable adjustments – what they are and what you can ask for
Session times: Mon, 17 Feb, 7:30pm – 9pm
Tue, 18 Feb, 10am – 11:30am
Wed, 19 Feb, 10am – 11:30am
Mon, 24 Feb, 7:30pm – 9pm
Tue, 25 Feb, 10am – 11:30am
Book here: https://collections.humanitix.com/student-support-group-meetings
Cafs Early Help Group Programs
Tuning in to Teens Online
Wednesdays, 19th Feb 2025 – 26th Mar 2025 7:00pm – 8:30pm Online Supporting our teenagers with navigating the difficulties that come with adolescents.
Tuning in to Kids Online
Thursdays, 13th Feb – 20th Mar 2025 10:00am – 11:30am Online
A free 6-week program that aims to help parents or carers to understand their children’s emotions and to help regulate those emotions.
The Circle of Security Parenting™ program
Wednesday 5th February Time: 10am-12pm
Salvation Army Crompton Street – Clyde Room
Understand your child’s emotional world by learning to read the emotional needs. Support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions. Enhance the development of your child’s self-esteem.
To enquire about any of Cafs Early Help Programs please contact: family.support@cafs.org.au
Baby and Child FirstAid – Cafs Early Help Group Programs
25th February 2025 10:30am – 2:00pm 515 Chisholm St, Ballarat
Presented in partnership with PAEDS Education, this Program is for parents/carers of babies and children. Babies under 12 months are welcome! We are offering places for any parent/guardian FREE of charge.
Issues we will explore include burns, head injury, rash, choking, breaks, CPR and more.
Group Information and bookings:
One Community’s Ready-Set-Connect Ballarat,
One Community’s Ready-Set-Connect is the perfect event for support coordinators, teachers, LACs, people with disability and parents and carers. You will meet with up to 27 service providers registered, spending time with each of them as you move from table to table at this fun and informative speed networking event.
In just over 2 hours you will gain valuable contacts and boost your network of NDIS providers in the region.
Tuesday, 4 March, 2025, 9:45 AM – 12:30 PM
North Ballarat Sports Club 725 Creswick Rd, Ballarat VIC
FREE for event attendees
Register: https://onecommunity.net.au/Ready-Set-Connect/Event/762-ballarat or visit our website www.onecommunity.net.au
For more information, please contact info@onecommunity.net.au
Understanding Autism Workshops
Venue: Ballarat Central Library, 178 Doveton St N, Ballarat
Understanding Autism in Tourism
Wed 12th March: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Register
Understanding Autism in Employment
Wed 12th March: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Register
Understanding Autism in the Community
Wed 12th March: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Register
Towards a Better Life – In Person Event with Option to Attend Online
19 and 20 March 2025
- Understand social devaluation and its consequences
- Learn about Social Role Valorisation as a means of addressing experiences of devaluation
- Strengthens one’s motivation to counteract devaluation
- Clarify the qualities of the good things in life and how they might be facilitated.
- Understand the importance of valued social roles and how to develop roles that lead to authentic inclusion in one’s community.
This course will use a combination of lecture, interactive exercises, reflection and discussion!
To book a ticket please visit our Humanitix Booking Link
Building Friendships (Beyond Presence)
Attend in person at Box Hill Golf Club or you can attend online.
This ½ day event is held on 21 March 2025, from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm.
This workshop is designed to empower loved ones and supporters of individuals with intellectual disability and autism with practical tools and strategies to foster genuine community connections.
Together, let’s create a path from presence to true belonging.
Key Highlights
- Move beyond acquaintances and inclusion to meaningful participation and belonging.
- Discover actionable strategies to strengthen friendships through shared interests, invitations, and reciprocity.
- Learn how to balance support with independence for natural, lasting relationships.
This session is interactive, engaging, and tailored to focus on practical solutions that make a real difference.
How to Book Your Ticket To book a ticket please visit our Humanitix Booking Link
2025 Yellow Ladybugs Conference:
supporting autistic girls and gender diverse students at school and beyond, is nearly here!
Tickets sales go LIVE 4TH FEBRUARY 2025 9.00am
When: 3-5 June 2025
Where: Online & In-Person (option to attend Day 3 in Melbourne)
Explore over 50 diverse lived and professional perspectives in a neuro-affirming, trauma-informed, and inclusive environment.
Key Themes:
- Building inclusive classrooms
- Hidden needs like masking and monotropism
- Relational safety and sensory joy
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1946623952444941

new services for families
New Dentistry Under General Anaesthesia Now Available
Locations: Ballarat, Keilor Park, and Officer
Sleep Dentistry Services offers expert care with qualified Melbourne anaesthetists, specialising in general anaesthesia for both children and adults, including those with disabilities.
Fees: Comparable to day hospitals, with a Medicare rebate of 20–80%.
Waiting Times: Appointments available within one month.
Personalised Care: Your treatment is managed by a dedicated team—a specialist dentist, anaesthetist, and friendly practice manager.
Convenience: No hospital admission or overnight stay required.
Let us provide a comfortable and stress-free dental experience for you or your loved ones. For more information contact Gillian on 0480 641 626 or gillian@sleepdentistryservices.com.au
School Saving Bonus
With the School Saving Bonus, the Victorian Government is providing a one-off $400 to help families cover the costs of their kids’ school uniforms, textbooks, excursions and activities.
New respite accommodation in Dean
We can cater for kids, teens and adults; however, our accommodation is not currently tailored for participants living with high physical care needs i.e. Wheelchair or hoist transfers. There is good fencing around the property and staff on-site at all times, we can also provide active and non-active overnight staff to minimise absconding concerns. Our accommodation is also setup to enable carers and parents to stay at no extra charge in separate fully equipped cottage during their child’s stay.

NDIS updates for families
Impairment notices
From 1 January 2025, all new participants will receive an impairment notice when they access the NDIS.
This change recognises people with disability who have the same ‘diagnoses’ may have different impairments and support needs.
An impairment notice is a document that says you have a permanent disability or significant impairment.
More information:
Providing evidence of impairments:
Introducing the new Administrative Review Tribunal
On 14 October 2024, the Australian Government replaced the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) with the new Administrative Review Tribunal. The Administrative Review Tribunal can review and change decisions made by government agencies, including the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).
If you had an active case with the AAT, you don’t need to take any action. Your case has automatically been transferred to the new Tribunal.
The new Tribunal aims to be:
- fair, accessible, and transparent
- timely in resolving applications
- responsive to applicants’ needs
For more information, visit the Attorney-General’s Department website or call 1800 228 333. Interpreter services are available by calling TIS on 131 450.
Changes to NDIS Legislation
On 22 August 2024, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 was passed by the Parliament.
There will be changes in the coming weeks once the laws come into effect.
You can read a full list of the upcoming changes here: https://www.ndis.gov.au/news/10305-changes-ndis-legislation
ACD has created a summary of the changes:

research and feedback opportunities
ACU Research – Seeking caregivers’ perspectives on healthcare support for sexual health and wellbeing of individuals with neurodevelopmental disability.
Eligibility: Family or caregiver of any individual who experiences challenges with learning, communication, social and/or motor skills.
What’s involved: an approximately 1 hour online interview. Questions will relate to the sexual health education and supports that people with neurodevelopmental disability require.
To participate or for more information visit:
or contact Dr Claire Lynch, Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy,
Telephone 03 9230 8238 Email Claire.lynch@acu.edu.au

new resources for families of children with disabilities
New AMAZE Resources
School can’t resources for parents/carers and teachers
Inclusive education: supporting school communities to thrive
Inclusive education: supporting school communities to thrive – Amaze
Free tool to help you plan for an emergency
Emergencies like bushfires, floods, cyclones, and severe storms can be stressful and overwhelming. As we come into the summer season when natural disasters can be more likely, it’s important to be prepared. The right tools will help you plan exactly what to do in an emergency.
The University of Sydney have created a Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness tool, to help people with disability create an emergency plan to suit their specific needs. In any emergency, always follow the local advice for your State or Territory. Stay safe and be prepared.
supports for families of children with disabilities
Carer Gateway
Caring for a friend or relative can be complicated. Carer Gateway can provide a range of supports to unpaid carers (including siblings as young carers). Call to register: 1800 422 737 8am to 6pm weekdays www.carergateway.gov.au/
Victorian Government Carer Card
The card provides discounts and benefits to carers in acknowledgement of this contribution. It’s easy and free to apply for the Carer Card. Applications can be made online. Alternatively, forms can be downloaded from this site, or you can request that one be posted to you by telephoning the Carer Card team on 1800 901 958 (toll free). Applications may take four to six weeks to process. www.carercard.vic.gov.au/
EACH Statewide Carer Support Services
EACH can fund counselling for carers and other family members (not just the primary carer, including siblings and grandparents) They can also fund ongoing counselling sessions if Carer Gateway funding runs out. www.each.com.au
Association for Children with a Disability
Resources: www.acd.org.au/information-and-resources/
Free telephone information and support:
Call 03 9880 7000 or 1800 654 013 (regional)
Or email acdsupport@acd.org.au
Or text 0475 577 997
Carer Allowance vs Carer Payment: which one is for you?
Disability Liaison Officer program
General information about the program:
Grampians Health DLO Program:
Monash Centre For Developmental Disability Health
supports mainstream health services to build their capacity to address the health needs of adults with intellectual and associated developmental disabilities.
PTV Access Travel Pass
Public Transport Victoria offers an “Access Travel Pass” for individuals with a permanent physical disability, cognitive condition or mental illness. This pass allows free travel on:
- Metropolitan trains, trams, and buses
- V/Line trains and coaches
- Regional town buses
- Regional services with a contract or service agreement with Public Transport Victoria
OT’s and physios can complete the necessary form.
For more details and to access the application form, please check out the link below:
young carers supports
Little Dreamers – Sibling supports
Young Carer organisation, working with young people who provide unpaid care for a family member with a disability, illness or addiction across a range of direct support programs, these programs can be found here: www.littledreamers.org.au/programs/ A link for the application for support can be found at www.dreamershub.com.au
Carer Gateway Young Carer Supports
Carer Gateway can provide a range of supports to unpaid carers (including siblings as young carers). Call to register: 1800 422 737 8am to 6pm weekdays www.carergateway.gov.au
Young Carer Network
The Young Carers Network (YCN) is a nationally coordinated resource to raise young carer awareness, provide information, and direct young carers to appropriate pathways for support.
We work to enable young carers to engage with each other through a range of opportunities to share and connect.
What can I do on the Young Carers Network?
- Find a support service
- Learn some helpful tips and share your own
- Read young carer stories and share your own
- Find young carer events
- Learn about financial support
- Learn about young carers
- Join the Young Carers Network
- Apply for the Young Carers Bursary Program
- Read testimonials from young carers and share your own
Siblings Australia – Advocacy for school-aged siblings
So that we can better advocate for young siblings, Siblings Australia would like to hear from school-aged children about their experience of being a sibling of a person with disability, chronic illness, or mental health condition. If you’ve got kids in school, it would be great if you could encourage them to answer some questions for us. We are not collecting any identifiable data about children through this process.
We think it’s really important to be able to tell teachers and educators about how this experience might impact on schooling. So we’ve created a survey to find out more from families who are engaged in our services, you can access the survey HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6KG3L8S .
Completing the survey should only take a few minutes, and will really help us to understand what is needed when developing our supports.