we can help

The NDIS journey can be confusing. Importantly here at Pinarc we are with you all the way to develop your plans and goals, mindful of the importance that the customer is at the centre of everything we do. We can help you to create a service plan that outlines the supports you want in place. We have considerable experience with the NDIS, and as a registered service provider we can make the experience as seamless, and worry free, as possible.

To access support coordination, it must be in your NDIS plan. If you are new to this service our coordinators will discuss what funding you have available and the types of things you can spend it on. Totally independent, our Support Coordinators are there to guide you with advice, as their knowledge of what is available to you is extensive. They know the rules and guidelines to ensure you maximise your opportunities and get the best value services available from your NDIS funding. To see examples of things that may be covered by your NDIS Plan check out this simple guide:

What can I use my NDIS funding for

Our supports to you can include research, help setting budgets, referring to service providers, completing service agreements, attending your NDIS plan review meeting, and supporting you to understand the different methods of managing the funding in your plan.

Pinarc will always act in your best interests, providing as much information as we can and supporting you to make your own choices.

Contact us today on 1800 746 272 or via email admin@pinarc.org.au to discuss how we can help you, or use the self referral form available here.

Pinarc Support Coordination Team 2022 Ballarat
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