tertiary students work experience and clinical placements
If you are studying a tertiary level certificate or diploma course in disability or community services we can help with course placements. Your education institution will be able to help with this process, just ask them to get in touch with us.
We welcome clinical placements from students studying allied health disciplines including Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. Our diverse range of customers offers you experience in a wide range of settings with varied cases.
What is required to organise a student placement?
- First contact your TAFE or university for direction on their process for organising placements.
- You may be required to undertake safety screening checks
- Pinarc will provide orientation, induction, training and supervision
If your TAFE or university needs further information on work experience and placement opportunities at Pinarc, they can contact us by email to students@pinarc.org.au and our friendly People and Culture team will be able to help.